May not be a big deal to you, but it sure as hell pisses me off.
Okay I fucking admit it... I'm probably one of the most impatient guys on the planet: and most people wouldn't even think twice about calling me an asshole, even. As much as I try to be nice, or polite, or generally try to make this world a little better in my own small, private way, there are just some things that tick me off way too easily. Now I try to avoid fights or spreading bad vibes really hard, but there are just some days – and some people – who deserve the looks of disgust and harsh judgement; there are those people who are just asking for it. Don't you agree?
Now I notice that all my pet peeves have one thing in common: actions or words or anything that involves the lack of common sense, and/or sensitivity for other people. Now I'm not going to go real deep with this one: I'm just going to list down shit I witness on a regular basis, or everyday even. Go on and check for yourself if you agree with me.
1. Customers at fastfood joints who take fucking all day to order, even if the line is long.Why? First of all, THE LINE IS LONG. I can't believe how some people fail to realize that the reason why menus are lighted, have extra big pictures and descriptions and prices in big letters and numbers is to speed up the process of accomodating everyone's order in the fastest, easiest possible way, especially during the lunch and the dinner rush. But what do we usually get? Fucking customers who spend their entire time in-line either talking to people they practically spend the whole day talking-to, or peeps who just can't seem to get enough out of playing with their iPhones or gadgets... and when it's their time to order? That's when the only begin the process of deciding what to eat. They read the menus slowly, take forever to decide whether or not they want large or regular fries with that, make stupid requests and ask dumb questions like "can I get a meal number 2, but without this and combine it with this instead?" The customer is always right, but fucking Christ: when will people learn that set meals are, well... set? When will they realize that the solution to getting exactly what you want isn't by forcing your way and coming up with your own, unique menu, but by buying ala carte? It's not like fucking McDonald's or Jolibee has new products freaking everyday... so it shouldn't be hard to think ahead of time what you're getting since most fastfood menus are pretty simple to figure out. But no, all a guy or girl decides to do is ask questions or challenge what's written on the menu board. Jeez.
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